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1 Thanos  Mar 10, 2015 4:07:53am

You have to wonder if too many congressional “leaders” are watching House of Cards and internalizing it.

2 Jayleia  Mar 10, 2015 4:45:42am

re: #1 Thanos

I wonder how much of House of Cards is based off Republican antics…maybe I’m too cynical?

3 Thanos  Mar 10, 2015 5:04:16am
4 WhatEVs  Mar 10, 2015 8:45:26am

How does the US survive as a nation with this kind of behavior from an opposing political party? How do we survive politics over country?

It and we won’t.

5 team_fukit  Mar 10, 2015 8:49:13am

Funny that a letter that’s supposedly about Constitutional procedure fails to note that diplomacy is not necessarily a duty of Congress.

And I’m hard pressed to come up with just one example of Congress meddling in foreign affairs that turned out okay. The Treaty of Versailles/League of Nations/Henry Cabot Lodge debacle comes to mind

This is why our foreign policy is made by nicer, “striped-pants” people and not the Senate

6 team_fukit  Mar 10, 2015 9:28:05am

Reading up on it, some moonbats think this is a violation of the Logan Act (prohibits private citizens from negotiating with foreign powers) but given the precedents of Richard Nixon trying to negotiate with the Viet Cong before the 1968 election and the various Senators who traveled to Cuba under the Embargo it doesn’t stick. The State Department has commented in the past that members of Congress have some foreign policy abilities as government representatives.

The Senators who signed the Iran letter are being dicks but it’s not necessarily illegal or treasonous.

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